Tuesday, January 25, 2005

new job

yea, i got a new job, at a bookstore.

it fucking sucks !!

it's so friggin' boring, it involves putting books on the shelves for 8 hours. and while enduring that crazy amount of fun, they have all these stupid rules. i cant even punch a box to break it down, i gotta use the razor blade or they get mad. real safe huh ? "we promote the use of a sharp object to rip up a cardboard box, as opposed to using your hands". another good one is how we're not suppose to have a radio on while in the backroom while we sort books, completely out of view and earshot of ALL customers. i also get great questions from customers like... "do you have the new book by that guy ?".

i need a job where i actually enjoy going there, or not a job at all, and just make money, what job is that ? sign me up !

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

i need an adult ! i need an adult !

ok, so now, apparently, customers feel the need to touch me.
i just had the stars on my arms finished, and so i have the tattoo stuff on them, and they're all shiney and what-not. and i've had one guys poke the center of the star and say "is that new ?". and another guy actually grabbed my wrist and held my arm so he could look at my star, and comment about how much he like it. ok, i have no problem with compliments about my tattoos, questions about them, what they mean, or just talk about tattoos in general, but for fuck's sake, dont touch me !

Monday, October 04, 2004

work early ? fuck that !

today, i actually considered going to work two hours early, to get myself some overtime and extra money.

then i realized two things...

1. why the fuck would i want to deal with those people for two extra hours more than i have to ?

2. my scumbag boss (who wears a really fake wig), would see that im getting extra hours, and send me home early at the end of the week, so i cant get over 40 hours. how's that sound ? isnt it great ? fucker

Sunday, September 26, 2004

up, up, down, down, left, right, B, A

Saturday, September 25, 2004


Stop it, bucket-head Wendy!

btw, someone bought my the shirt, dean did, o wait, that's me, fuck !

Thursday, September 09, 2004

someone buy me this shirt

tearing ass

It’s like my pool is tearing ass
around my backyard, but its staying still.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

this quote sums it all up....

"how's this mail-in rebate work ? you mail it in ?"
